This course will help participants become familiar with the computing environment on UH high-performance computing clusters like Carya and Sabine. You'll learn how to set up HPC workflows, submit tasks to the queuing systems, and retrieve your results. The course also covers the structure of cluster systems, how to access them, personalize your user settings, compile and link codes for CPUs or GPUs, work with the SLURM batch scheduling system, create batch job scripts, and submit jobs for various HPC applications such as MATLAB, R, Python, and NAMD. In addition to HPC, the course touches on Linux, covering topics like user accounts, file permissions, navigating the file system, using the Command Line Interface (CLI), employing command line utility programs, manipulating files and folders, and working with standard text editors. Furthermore, the course covers Shell scripting, including built-in commands, control structures, file descriptors, functions, parameters, and variables.

Syllabus: Link To Syllabus
Prerequisites: None.

Date:  27 August 2024 - 01 October 2024

Time: Tue Thur 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Instructor: Dr. Jerry Ebalunode

Teaching Assistant: Hitesh Reddy Yerradoddi (

Location: Online (Microsoft Teams) 

Capacity: 150

  • HPE DSI’s courses are free for UH System students from outside the Main Campus. However, these individuals must enroll in our courses at least three weeks before the courses starting date to allow for proper registration.

Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land or Katy campuses

Attendees who are current UHS students, staff or faculty from the Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses MUST fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.

Current UHS (all campuses) Student, Staff, or Faculty Registration Fee: Free.

UH Alumni and Non-UH Affiliates

Attendees who are not current UHS students, staff, or faculty will need to make a payment for the course prior to its commencement.

UH Alumni Registration Fee: $250.00.

Non-UH Affiliate Registration Fee: $250.00.

** Non-UH affiliates and alumni registering for the HPE DSI classes MUST:

(1) complete the payment of the course fees ($250.00 per course) at least three(3) weeks before course commencement using this payment link:

(2) fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.

 If you don't wish to continue participating in the course, Please use the option "Unenroll me" available at the right-hand pane on the course webpage to unenroll from the course. If you have questions e-mail us at

** The following refund schedule applies:
More than three weeks before the start date: A cancellation fee of 10% of the total workshop cost applies.
Less than three weeks before the start date: 15% cancellation fee applies.
Less than one week before the start date: 25% cancellation fee applies.
48 hours or less before class start: No refund is available.
All deposits and payments made are non-transferable. The HPE DSI cannot provide refunds, transfer payments, or offer makeup sessions for classes a student might miss, for any reason. If the HPE DSI has to cancel a workshop, you will receive a full refund.

***This course is a mandatory course of the Micro-credential in Advanced Data Science Program. Ask about this program at

This course will teach you a basic understanding of how to program in R. You will learn how to use the R Studio software necessary for a statistical programming environment. The course covers reading data into R, accessing R packages, writing R functions, debugging, and commenting R code. We will introduce visualization concepts in R and you will also learn how to run R code on the HPE DSI HPC clusters.

Prerequisites: None.

Syllabus: Link to syllabus

Intro to Linux/Cluster computing course provided by HPE DSI is recommended.

Instructor: Ishita Sharma

Teaching Assistant: Udaya Sri Mandadapu (

Date: 26 August 2024 - 02 October 2024

Time: Mon Wed 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: Join Microsoft Teams

Capacity: 150

  • HPE DSI’s courses are free for UH System students from outside the Main Campus. However, these individuals must enroll in our courses at least three weeks before the classes starting date to allow for proper registration.

Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses

Attendees who are current UHS students, staff or faculty from the Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses MUST fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.

Current UHS (all campuses) Student, Staff or Faculty Registration Fee: Free.

UH Alumni and Non-UH Affiliates

Attendees who are not current UHS students, staff, or faculty will need to make a payment for the course prior to its commencement.

UH Alumni Registration Fee: $250.00.

Non-UH Affiliate Registration Fee: $250.00.

** Non-UH affiliates and alumni registering for the HPE DSI classes MUST:

(1) complete the payment of the course fees ($250.00 per course) at least three(3) weeks before course commencement using this payment link :

(2) fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.

If you wish to withdraw from the course, Please use the option "Unenroll me" available at the right-hand pane on the course webpage to unenroll from the course. Feel free to e-mail us at, if you have questions.

**The following refund schedule applies:
More than three weeks before the start date: A cancellation fee of 10% of the total workshop cost applies.
Less than three weeks before the start date: 15% cancellation fee applies.
Less than one week before the start date: 25% cancellation fee applies.
48 hours or less before class start: No refund is available.
All deposits and payments made are non-transferable. The HPE DSI cannot provide refunds, transfer payments, or offer makeup sessions for classes a student might miss, for any reason. If the HPE DSI has to cancel a workshop, you will receive a full refund.

***This course is a mandatory course of the Micro-credential in Data Science Program. Ask about this program at

Python is an easy-to-learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high-level data structures making it suitable for rapid application development. Topics covered in this session will include data types, conditional and loop statements, functions, input/output, modules, classes, and exceptions. Upon completing this tutorial series, participants should be able to understand existing scientific Python codes and write their own simple Python applications. This training session also introduces participants to scientific computing extensions of Python like Numpy for use in high-performance computing. Using advanced Python libraries like regular expressions, Scipy, Pandas, Seaborn, Scikit Learn, etc for everyday scientific computing is also taught.

Prerequisites: Before taking this course, you should be familiar with the command line terminal and running programs on it, or you should have taken the 101 Introduction to cluster computing: Linux, shell scripting, queuing systems, and Cluster Architecture course.

SyllabusLink to syllabus

Date: 26th Aug 2024 - 2nd Oct 2024

Time: Mon-Wed, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Instructor: Dr. Jerry Ebalunode

Class Capacity: 150

Location: Online (Microsoft Teams)

HPE DSI’s courses are free for UH System students from outside the Main Campus. However, these individuals must enroll in our courses at least three weeks before the course starts to allow for proper registration.

Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses

Attendees who are current UHS students, staff, or faculty from the Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses MUST fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.

Current UHS (all campuses) Student, Staff, or Faculty Registration Fee: Free.

UH Alumni and Non-UH Affiliates

Attendees who are not current UHS students, staff, or faculty will need to make a payment for the course before its commencement.

UH Alumni Registration Fee: $250.00.

Non-UH Affiliate Registration Fee: $250.00.

** Non-UH affiliates and alumni registering for the HPE DSI classes MUST:

(1) complete the payment of the course fees ($250.00 per course) at least three(3) weeks before course commencement using this link

Payment Link

(2) fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.

If you don't wish to continue participating in the course, Please use the option "Unenroll me" available at the right-hand pane on the course webpage to unenroll from the course. Feel free to e-mail us at if you have questions.

** The following refund schedule applies:
More than three weeks before the start date: A cancellation fee of 10% of the total workshop cost applies.
Less than three weeks before the start date: A 15% cancellation fee applies.
Less than one week before the start date: A 25% cancellation fee applies.
48 hours or less before class starts: No refund is available.
All deposits and payments made are non-transferable. The HPE DSI cannot provide refunds, transfer payments, or offer makeup sessions for classes a student might miss, for any reason. If the HPE DSI has to cancel a workshop, you will receive a full refund.

***This course is an elective course of the Micro-credential in Advanced Data Science Program. Ask about this program at

This course is an introduction to the Julia programming language. Julia is the fastest modern open-source language for data science, machine learning, and scientific computing. Julia provides the functionality, ease-of-use and intuitive syntax of R, Python, Matlab, SAS, or Stata combined with the speed, capacity, and performance of C, C++, or Java. Julia also provides parallel and distributed computing capabilities out of the box, and unlimited scalability with minimal effort.

Prerequisites: None.

Instructor: Dr. Jerry Ebalunode

Time: Mon Wed 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM

Date: 14th Oct 2024 - 18th Nov 2024

Location: Online (Microsoft Teams)

Capacity: 150

Attendance Requirement:

Good standing on Attendance grade (>50%) would be required to see new course materials, homework assignments, and exams/projects as the course proceeds.

Also, for students interested in getting a badge or certificate for completing this course, an attendance grade of at least 12 hours of the class meeting sessions is required, to be qualified for passing the course and getting the badge.

  • HPE DSI’s courses are free for UH System students from outside the Main Campus. However, these individuals must enroll in our courses at least three weeks before the course starts to allow for proper registration.

Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses 

Attendees who are current UHS students, staff, or faculty from the Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses MUST fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.  

Current UHS (all campuses) Student, Staff, or Faculty Registration Fee: Free. 

UH Alumni and Non-UH Affiliates 

Attendees who are not current UHS students, staff, or faculty will need to make a payment for the course prior to its commencement. 

UH Alumni Registration Fee: $250.00. 

Non-UH Affiliate Registration Fee: $250.00. 

** Non-UH affiliates and alumni registering for the HPE DSI classes MUST: 

(1) complete the payment of the course fees ($250.00 per course) at least three(3) weeks before course commencement using this payment link

(2) fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.  

If you need to cancel a course for any reason, e-mail us at

** The following refund schedule applies:
More than three weeks before the start date: A cancellation fee of 10% of the total workshop cost applies.
Less than three weeks before the start date: 15% cancellation fee applies.
Less than one week before the start date: 25% cancellation fee applies.
48 hours or less before class start: No refund is available.
All deposits and payments made are non-transferable. The HPE DSI cannot provide refunds, transfer payments, or offer makeup sessions for classes a student might miss, for any reason. If the HPE DSI has to cancel a workshop, you will receive a full refund. 

***This course is part of the Micro-credential in Data Science Program. Ask about this program at

This tutorial will provide hands-on skills in using modern data visualization and analysis platforms, specifically the open-source parallel ParaView and Tableau. ParaView is powerful and popular in the HPC scientific and engineering research communities. In the ParaView part, we will explore representations, color scales and their controls, data filters, building pipelines, multi-view & camera links using synthetic seismic data, streamline plots, plot-over-line analysis, and histograms. Also, the calculator tool, datasets & time, animations & their controls, time interpolation, camera animations, static vector field animations, and Python scripting. Finally, the course will cover how to use these tools/skills to do remote, parallel visualization using HPE DSI computer clusters. In the Tableau workshop, we will use Tableau Public to create interactive data visualizations. It will cover an overview of the program and provide hands-on experience creating basic charts and maps, as well as creating interactive web-based visualization dashboards. We will also use more advanced features in Tableau to manage data and use calculations and parameters to make views more interactive. In the end, students will publish their visualizations to the Tableau Public web server.

SyllabusLink to syllabus

 Date: 15th Oct 2024 - 19th Nov 2024

Time: Tue Thur 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Instructor:  Ishita Sharma,  MS   

                  Jerry Ebalunode, Ph.D., M.B.A   

Class Capacity: 150

Location: Microsoft Teams

  • HPE DSI’s courses are free for UH System students from outside the Main Campus. However, these individuals must enroll in our courses at least three weeks before the course's starting date to allow for proper registration.

  • I request everyone to join the classes when it is started by the Instructor or the TA.
  • If the meeting has already started, please just join the meeting using the join option, don't start a new meeting or restart the meeting by yourself which would cause a lot of confusion as they would redirect you to a different meeting room.

Attendance Requirement:

Good standing on Attendance grade (>50%) would be required to see new course materials, homework assignments, and exams/projects as the course proceeds.

Also, for students interested in getting a badge or certificate for completing this course, an attendance grade of at least 12 hours of the class meeting sessions is required, to be qualified for passing the course and getting the badge.

Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses 

Attendees who are current UHS students, staff, or faculty from the Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses MUST fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.  

Current UHS (all campuses) Student, Staff, or Faculty Registration Fee: Free. 

UH Alumni and Non-UH Affiliates 

Attendees who are not current UHS students, staff, or faculty will need to make a payment for the course before its commencement. 

UH Alumni Registration Fee: $250.00. 

Non-UH Affiliate Registration Fee: $250.00. 

** Non-UH affiliates and alumni registering for the HPE DSI classes MUST: 

(1) complete the payment of the course fees ($250.00 per course) at least three(3) weeks before course commencement using this payment link:

(2) fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.  

 If you don't wish to continue participating in the course, Please use the option "Unenroll me" available at the right-hand pane on the course webpage to unenroll from the course. Feel free to e-mail us at, if you have questions.

** The following refund schedule applies:
More than three weeks before the start date: A cancellation fee of 10% of the total workshop cost applies.
Less than three weeks before the start date: A 15% cancellation fee applies.
Less than one week before the start date: A 25% cancellation fee applies.
48 hours or less before class starts: No refund is available.
All deposits and payments made are non-transferable. The HPE DSI cannot provide refunds, transfer payments, or offer makeup sessions for classes a student might miss, for any reason. If the HPE DSI has to cancel a workshop, you will receive a full refund. 

***This course is part of the Micro-credential in Data Science Program. Ask about this program at

Today, multiple resources such as Social Media/Healthcare applications/Banking Applications so on generate a large volume of data.

The first question which comes to our mind is how to make the data useful to help society.

This course has designed to help you familiarize yourself with some of the essential steps to begin analyzing the data and discovering the patterns on the dataset.

 It will include working on some real-world datasets covering skills such as

Data scraping, data pre-processing (data importing & cleaning), data wrangling (exploratory data analysis & data structuring), and applying statistical techniques to get ready for the machine learning algorithms.

Pre-requisites: Familiarity with Python Programming language 

Recommended: Intro to Linux/Cluster computing course provided by HPE DSI

Syllabus: Link to syllabus

Instructor: Ishita Sharma

Teaching Assistant: Nitish Dadapuram (

Date: 27th Aug 2024 - 1st Oct 2024

Time: Tues Thur 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Location: Join Microsoft Teams with CODE

Capacity: 150

  • HPE DSI’s courses are free for UH System students from outside the Main Campus. However, these individuals must enroll in our courses at least three weeks before the courses starting date to allow for proper registration.

Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses

Attendees who are current UHS students, staff, or faculty from the Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses MUST fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time for processing your course access credentials before the first class.

Current UHS (all campuses) Student, Staff, or Faculty Registration Fee: Free.

UH Alumni and Non-UH Affiliates

Attendees who are not current UHS students, staff, or faculty will need to make a payment for the course prior to its commencement.

UH Alumni Registration Fee: $250.00.

Non-UH Affiliate Registration Fee: $250.00.

** Non-UH affiliates and alumni registering for the HPE DSI classes MUST:

(1) complete the payment of the course fees ($250.00 per course) at least three(3) weeks before course commencement using this link

(2) fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.

 If you don't wish to continue participating in the course, Please use the option "Unenroll me" available at the right-hand pane on the course webpage to unenroll from the course. If you have questions, e-mail us at

** The following refund schedule applies:
More than three weeks before the start date: A cancellation fee of 10% of the total workshop cost applies.
Less than three weeks before the start date: A 15% cancellation fee applies.
Less than one week before the start date: A 25% cancellation fee applies.
48 hours or less before class starts: No refund is available.
All deposits and payments made are non-transferable. The HPE DSI cannot provide refunds, transfer payments, or offer makeup sessions for classes a student might miss, for any reason. If the HPE DSI has to cancel a workshop, you will receive a full refund.

***This course is an elective course of the Micro-credential in Advanced Data Science Program. Ask about this program at

This hands-on course introduces the key concepts for business data analytics using both MS Excel and Power BI, serving as an analytics literacy course to help students gain essential knowledge in business data analytics to enhance firm competitiveness. Concepts introduced in this course aim to develop an understanding of the several types of business data, data modeling techniques, various analytical approaches, and the application of these approaches to solve business problems using platform-agnostic tools in MS Excel and Power BI. The practices cover both basic and advanced functions of MS Excel, including PivotTable, PivotChart, and Adds-in, as well as key features of Power BI such as data connections, report designing, and interactive report creation. No textbooks are required.

Prerequisites: None.

SyllabusLink to syllabus 

Instructor: Josh K Kaisen

Teaching Assistant: Hitesh Reddy Yerradoddi (

Date: 27th August 2024 - 1st October 2024

Time: Tue Thur, 5:30 PM - 07:00 PM

Location:  Online (Microsoft Teams)

Capacity: 150

  • HPE DSI’s courses are free for UH System students from outside the Main Campus. However, these individuals must enroll in our courses at least three weeks before the courses starting date to allow for proper registration.

Attendance Requirement:

Good standing on Attendance grade (>50%) would be required to see new course materialshomework assignments, and exams/projects as the course proceeds.

Also, for students interested in getting a badge or certificate for completing this course, an attendance grade of at least 12 hours of the class meeting sessions is required, to be qualified for passing the course and getting the badge.

Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses

Attendees who are current UHS students, staff, or faculty from the Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land or Katy campuses MUST fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.

Current UHS (all campuses) Student, Staff, or Faculty Registration Fee: Free.

UH Alumni and Non-UH Affiliates

Attendees who are not current UHS students, staff, or faculty will need to make a payment for the course prior to its commencement.

UH Alumni Registration Fee: $250.00.

Non-UH Affiliate Registration Fee: $250.00.

** Non-UH affiliates and alumni registering for the HPE DSI classes MUST:

(1) complete the payment of the course fees ($250.00 per course) at least three(3) weeks before course commencement using this link

(2) fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.

If you wish to withdraw from the course, Please use the option "Unenroll me" available at the right-hand pane on the course webpage to unenroll from the course. Feel free to e-mail us at, if you have any questions.

** The following refund schedule applies:
More than three weeks before the start date: A cancellation fee of 10% of the total workshop cost applies.
Less than three weeks before the start date: 15% cancellation fee applies.
Less than one week before the start date: 25% cancellation fee applies.
48 hours or less before class start: No refund is available.
All deposits and payments made are non-transferable. The HPE DSI cannot provide refunds, transfer payments, or offer makeup sessions for classes a student might miss, for any reason. If the HPE DSI has to cancel a workshop, you will receive a full refund.

In today’s multicore world, one-socket single-core systems are almost extinct. Reasonable performance gains could be extracted from these new many-core systems by employing shared-memory parallel programming methods like OpenMP. This tutorial introduces shared-memory parallel programming using the OpenMP parallel application-programing interface. It includes a quick tutorial on writing parallel code by implementing OpenMP directives. Topics covered included the fork & join execution model, data scoping, work-sharing, reductions, synchronization, OpenMP functions, etc. Several examples of modifying serial code to run in parallel will be presented. Participants with basic programming experience are welcome. Upon completion of this course, users should be able to write parallel applications using the OpenMP directives.

Prerequisites: Participants are expected to have familiarity with a low-level programming language such as C/C++, or Fortran, and work comfortably in a UNIX/Linux environment.

Instructor: Dr. Jerry O Ebalunode

Location: Online (Microsoft Teams)

Date: 15th October 2024 - 19th November 2024

Time: Tue Thur 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Attendance Requirement:

Good standing on Attendance grade (>50%) would be required to see new course materials, homework assignments, and exams/projects as the course proceeds.

Also, for students interested in getting a badge or certificate for completing this course, an attendance grade of at least 12 hours of the class meeting sessions is required, to be qualified for passing the course and getting the badge.

HPE DSI’s courses are free for UH System students from outside the Main Campus. However, these individuals must enroll in our courses at least three weeks before the course's starting date to allow for proper registration.

Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses 

Attendees who are current UHS students, staff, or faculty from the Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses MUST fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time for processing your course access credentials before the first class.  

Current UHS (all campuses) Student, Staff, or Faculty Registration Fee: Free. 

UH Alumni and Non-UH Affiliates 

Attendees who are not current UHS students, staff, or faculty will need to make a payment for the course prior to its commencement. 

UH Alumni Registration Fee: $250.00. 

Non-UH Affiliate Registration Fee: $250.00. 

** Non-UH affiliates and alumni registering for the HPE DSI classes MUST: 

(1) complete the payment of the course fees ($250.00 per course) at least three(3) weeks before course commencement using this payment link. 

(2) fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time for processing your course access credentials before the first class.  

If you need to cancel a course for any reason, e-mail us at

** The following refund schedule applies:
More than three weeks before the start date: A cancellation fee of 10% of the total workshop cost applies.
Less than three weeks before the start date: 15% cancellation fee applies.
Less than one week before the start date: 25% cancellation fee applies.
48 hours or less before class starts: No refund is available.
All deposits and payments made are non-transferable. The HPE DSI cannot provide refunds, transfer payments, or offer makeup sessions for classes a student might miss, for any reason. If the HPE DSI has to cancel a workshop, you will receive a full refund. 

***This course is part of the Micro-credential in Data Science Program. Ask about this program at

Machine learning is the science of developing statistical methods that quantify relationships within data. This branch of mathematics/computer science has seen explosive growth over the past decade as our ability to store and process digital data has dramatically increased. Prediction, classification, regression, and identification are the aims of learning from data. All of these problems are routinely performed in data analytics. To obtain an overview of the literature in learning-based methods and applications. To obtain an understanding of a variety of machine learning techniques for classification, regression, and prediction. To obtain the ability to implement and experiment with a wide range of machine learning algorithms in Python with examples. To apply: Unsupervised and Supervised learning and clustering concepts, Dimensional reduction, Kernels and kernel-based classifiers such as SVM, and Deep Learning algorithms. To understand and implement learning-based methods for the classification of images, signals, and features.

Prerequisites: Familiarity with Python Programming

Syllabus: Link to syllabus

Dates: 26th Aug 2024  - 2nd Oct 2024

Time: Mon Wed 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Instructor: Dr. Ioannis Konstantinidis

Location: Microsoft Teams with CODE

Class Capacity:150

  • HPE DSI’s courses are free for UH System students from outside the Main Campus. However, these individuals must enroll in our courses at least three weeks before the courses starting date to allow for proper registration.

Attendance Requirement:

Good standing on Attendance grade (>50%) would be required to see new course materials, homework assignments, and exams/projects as the course proceeds.

Also, for students interested in getting a badge or certificate for completing this course, an attendance grade of at least 12 hours of the class meeting sessions is required, to be qualified for passing the course and getting the badge.

Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses

Attendees who are current UHS students, staff, or faculty from the Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses MUST fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.

Current UHS (all campuses) Student, Staff, or Faculty Registration Fee: Free.

UH Alumni and Non-UH Affiliates

Attendees who are not current UHS students, staff, or faculty will need to make a payment for the course prior to its commencement.

UH Alumni Registration Fee: $250.00.

Non-UH Affiliate Registration Fee: $250.00.

** Non-UH affiliates and alumni registering for the HPE DSI classes MUST:

(1) complete the payment of the course fees ($250.00 per course) at least three(3) weeks before course commencement using this link

(2) fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.

 If you don't wish to continue participating in the course, Please use the option "Unenroll me" available at the right-hand pane on the course webpage to unenroll from the course. If you have questions, e-mail us at

** The following refund schedule applies:
More than three weeks before the start date: A cancellation fee of 10% of the total workshop cost applies.
Less than three weeks before the start date: 15% cancellation fee applies.
Less than one week before the start date: 25% cancellation fee applies.
48 hours or less before class start: No refund is available.
All deposits and payments made are non-transferable. The HPE DSI cannot provide refunds, transfer payments, or offer makeup sessions for classes a student might miss, for any reason. If the HPE DSI has to cancel a workshop, you will receive a full refund.

Deep learning refers to AI/ML techniques that utilize multilayer (deep) artificial neural networks. This branch of data science has seen exponential improvements in performance as our ability to collect, store, and process digital data has dramatically increased. Prediction, classification, regression, and identification of semi/unstructured data are areas where deep learning techniques exhibit a significant comparative advantage.

Course aims:

  • To obtain an overview of the literature on deep learning methods and applications.
  • To obtain an understanding of a variety of deep learning techniques for classification, regression, and prediction.
  • To obtain the ability to implement and experiment with a wide range of deep learning algorithms in Python with examples: e.g., convolutional networks (CNN), auto-encoders, generative adversarial networks (GAN), transformers/attention (BERT)
  • To understand and implement deep learning-based methods for the classification of semi/unstructured data such as images or language.

Prerequisites: HPE DSI 311 – Introduction to Machine Learning.

Syllabus: Link to syllabus

Date: 14 October 2024 - 13 November 2024

Time: Mon Wed 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Instructors: Dr. Ioannis Konstantinidis

Class Capacity: 150

Location: online

  • HPE DSI’s courses are free for UH System students from outside the Main Campus. However, these individuals must enroll in our courses at least three weeks before the course's starting date to allow for proper registration.

Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses 

Attendees who are current UHS students, staff, or faculty from the Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses MUST fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.  

Current UHS (all campuses) Student, Staff, or Faculty Registration Fee: Free. 

UH Alumni and Non-UH Affiliates 

Attendees who are not current UHS students, staff, or faculty will need to make a payment for the course before its commencement. 

UH Alumni Registration Fee: $250.00. 

Non-UH Affiliate Registration Fee: $250.00. 

** Non-UH affiliates and alumni registering for the HPE DSI classes MUST: 

(1) complete the payment of the course fees ($250.00 per course) at least three(3) weeks before course commencement using this payments link. 

(2) fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.  

If you need to cancel a course for any reason, e-mail us at

** The following refund schedule applies:
More than three weeks before the start date: A cancellation fee of 10% of the total workshop cost applies.
Less than three weeks before the start date: A 15% cancellation fee applies.
Less than one week before the start date: A 25% cancellation fee applies.
48 hours or less before class starts: No refund is available.
All deposits and payments made are non-transferable. The HPE DSI cannot provide refunds, transfer payments, or offer makeup sessions for classes a student might miss, for any reason. If the HPE DSI has to cancel a workshop, you will receive a full refund. 

***This course is part of the Micro-credential in Data Science Program. Ask about this program at

In today's data-driven world, the ability to work with and understand human language is a critical skill. This course in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Large Language Models offers a comprehensive exploration of the technologies that have revolutionized the way we interact with and analyze textual data. 
In the technical aspects, students will also gain insights into the practical applications of NLP and large language models in various fields, including natural language information retrieval, sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, text classification, and data generation. 

By the end of this course, students will have a good understanding of NLP and large language models, enabling them to apply these cutting-edge technologies to solve complex problems, drive innovation in their respective domains, and contribute to the responsible development of AI-powered applications. All programming work in this course will be done using Python, a beginner-friendly language. 

Prerequisites: Familiarity with Python Programming

Dates: 14th Oct 2024  - 18th Nov 2024

Time: Mon Wed 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Instructor: Dr. Ishita Sharma

Location: Microsoft Teams with CODE

Class Capacity:150

  • HPE DSI’s courses are free for UH System students from outside the Main Campus. However, these individuals must enroll in our courses at least three weeks before the courses starting date to allow for proper registration.

Attendance Requirement:

Good standing on Attendance grade (>50%) would be required to see new course materials, homework assignments, and exams/projects as the course proceeds.

Also, for students interested in getting a badge or certificate for completing this course, an attendance grade of at least 12 hours of the class meeting sessions is required, to be qualified for passing the course and getting the badge.

Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses

Attendees who are current UHS students, staff, or faculty from the Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses MUST fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.

Current UHS (all campuses) Student, Staff, or Faculty Registration Fee: Free.

UH Alumni and Non-UH Affiliates

Attendees who are not current UHS students, staff, or faculty will need to make a payment for the course prior to its commencement.

UH Alumni Registration Fee: $250.00.

Non-UH Affiliate Registration Fee: $250.00.

** Non-UH affiliates and alumni registering for the HPE DSI classes MUST:

(1) complete the payment of the course fees ($250.00 per course) at least three(3) weeks before course commencement using this link:

(2) fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.

 If you don't wish to continue participating in the course, Please use the option "Unenroll me" available at the right-hand pane on the course webpage to unenroll from the course. If you have questions, e-mail us at

** The following refund schedule applies:
More than three weeks before the start date: A cancellation fee of 10% of the total workshop cost applies.
Less than three weeks before the start date: 15% cancellation fee applies.
Less than one week before the start date: 25% cancellation fee applies.
48 hours or less before class start: No refund is available.
All deposits and payments made are non-transferable. The HPE DSI cannot provide refunds, transfer payments, or offer makeup sessions for classes a student might miss, for any reason. If the HPE DSI has to cancel a workshop, you will receive a full refund.

This course will introduce students to bioinformatics and the analysis of next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. Bioinformatics is the application of computational techniques to the study of biological data, and NGS technology has revolutionized the way we study genetics and genomics. Through a combination of lectures and hands-on laboratory exercises, students will learn the principles of bioinformatics and NGS data analysis and gain practical experience with the tools and methods used in the field. Topics will include data QC, sequencing reads mapping, variant calling and annotation. By the end of the course, students will have the skills to analyze and interpret NGS data for their own research projects.

Prerequisites: Participants are expected to have basic knowledge of biology. Previous experience in programming and knowledge of the UNIX/Linux environment will be beneficial but is not necessary.

Syllabus: Link to syllabus

Date:  27 August 2024 - 1 October 2024

Time: Tue Thu 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Instructor: Pavel Dobrynin, Ph.D.

Teaching Assistant: Udaya Sri Mandadapu

Location: Microsoft Teams  

Attendance Requirement: 

Good standing on Attendance grade (>50%) would be required to see new course materials and participate in research projects as the course proceeds. Also, for students interested in getting a badge or certificate for completing this course, an attendance grade of at least 12 hours of the class meeting sessions is required, to be qualified for passing the course and getting the badge.

Textbook: None Required

Lecture notes would be provided through the course website.

Evaluation (tentative): Attendance: 20%, Workshop performance: 30%, Research project: 50%

Fees: The course is FREE to the UH System community ( students, staff, and faculty)

Non-UH Affiliate Registration Fee: $250.00

UH Alumni Registration Fee: $250.00

For more information contact us at: 

** Non-UH affiliates and alumni registering for the HPE DSI classes MUST:

(1) complete the payment of the course fees ($250.00 per course) at least three(3) weeks before course commencement.

(2) inform HPE DSI of their interest in taking the course at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time for processing of your course access credentials before the first-class meeting.

If you need to cancel a course for any reason, e-mail us at

** The following refund schedule applies:

More than three weeks before the start date: A cancellation fee of 10% of the total workshop cost applies.

Less than three weeks before the start date: 15% cancellation fee applies.

Less than one week before the start date: 25% cancellation fee applies.

48 hours or less before class start: No refund is available.

All deposits and payments made are non-transferable. The HPE DSI cannot provide refunds, transfer payments, or offer makeup sessions for classes a student might miss, for any reason. If the HPE DSI has to cancel a workshop, you will receive a full refund.

Copyright protection: The course materials and online lecture videos posted on Blackboard/Moodle are only meant to be used within this course and should not be distributed.

The University of Houston Academic Honesty Policy applies:

Students in need of counseling: Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) can help students who are having difficulties managing stress, adjusting to the demands of a professional program, or feeling sad and hopeless. You can reach CAPS ( by calling 713-743-5454 during and after business hours for routine appointments or if you or someone you know is in crisis. No appointment is necessary for the “Let's Talk” program, a drop-in consultation service at convenient locations and hours around campus.

***This course is a mandatory course of the Micro-credential in Artificial Intelligence (MAI) Program. Ask about this program at

This course introduces additional topics in AI, including ethics and aesthetics and discussions about how AI might change our relationship to knowledge. We will draw on current literature. In addition, selected speakers from industry will present the use of AI in industry. This course does not require any technical knowledge of AI.

Prerequisites: None

Date: 15th Oct 2024 - 14th Nov 2024

Time: Tue-Thur, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Instructor: Dr. Claudia M. Neuhauser

Class Capacity: 150

Location: Join Microsoft Teams

HPE DSI’s courses are free for UH System students from outside the Main Campus. However, these individuals must enroll in our courses at least three weeks before the course starts to allow for proper registration.

Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses

Attendees who are current UHS students, staff, or faculty from the Clear Lake, Victoria, Downtown, Sugar Land, or Katy campuses MUST fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.

Current UHS (all campuses) Student, Staff, or Faculty Registration Fee: Free.

UH Alumni and Non-UH Affiliates

Attendees who are not current UHS students, staff, or faculty will need to make a payment for the course before its commencement.

UH Alumni Registration Fee: $250.00.

Non-UH Affiliate Registration Fee: $250.00.

** Non-UH affiliates and alumni registering for the HPE DSI classes MUST:

(1) complete the payment of the course fees ($250.00 per course) at least three(3) weeks before course commencement using this link

(2) fill in this credentials form at least three(3) weeks before the course start date. This will allow adequate time to process your course access credentials before the first class.

If you don't wish to continue participating in the course, Please use the option "Unenroll me" available at the right-hand pane on the course webpage to unenroll from the course. Feel free to e-mail us at if you have questions.

** The following refund schedule applies:
More than three weeks before the start date: A cancellation fee of 10% of the total workshop cost applies.
Less than three weeks before the start date: A 15% cancellation fee applies.
Less than one week before the start date: A 25% cancellation fee applies.
48 hours or less before class starts: No refund is available.
All deposits and payments made are non-transferable. The HPE DSI cannot provide refunds, transfer payments, or offer makeup sessions for classes a student might miss, for any reason. If the HPE DSI has to cancel a workshop, you will receive a full refund.