The purpose of the Micro-credential in the Digital Humanities program is to introduce students to the concepts and competencies that are core to DH work, preparing students to plan and implement their own project or participate in an ongoing DH research project.

Students who complete the Micro-credential in the Digital Humanities badges gain access to the full range of services and infrastructure offered by the Digital Humanities Core facility and become part of growing cohorts supported by HPE DSI and UH Libraries, aimed at nurturing new research and scholarship.

Prerequisites: Registration via Hewlett Packard Enterprise Data Science Institute (HPE-DSI) 

Textbook: None Required. 

Lecture notes would be provided through course Teams group

Attendance: Attendance is required. 

In-class/assignments: 100% required

Foundations in DH Project Development (Certification)
Badge I: Plan Development
Badge II: Project Development

Instructor: Linda Garcia Merchant, Director, Digital Humanities Core Facility, UH Libraries