Please enter your UH cougarnet ID. e.g. jdoe@cougarnet.uh.edu
FirstName LastName
Please enter your UH email address only. e.g. jdoe@uh.edu, ljoe@central.uh.edu. Applications with private email addresses will be rejected.
Maximum of 300 characters allowed. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
Only for Non-main UH campus PIs
This form has to be filled for each cluster.
Please note that the Carya cluster has been optimized to execute parallel computing jobs specifically. If your research requires to perform serial (one computer core) jobs, then the clusters Sabine or Opuntia are better solutions for you.
Request Type *
- New Project. This is for PIs who wish to utilize one of HPE DSI’s clusters for the very first time (independently of any other clusters’ allocations).
- Additional Compute Resources. This is for PIs who already have an active allocation, and their group has utilized most of the awarded compute time and wish to request more compute time.
- Additional Storage Resources. This is for PIs who already have an active allocation, and their group has utilized most of the awarded storage and wish to request more storage.
- Renew Existing Project (yearly, by August 1st). This is for PIs who already have an active allocation and wish to continue using the corresponding cluster during the next compute cycle. Allocations for each cluster are evaluated and managed independently.
How many computational service units SUs (hours per computer core) do you need? *
For examples to calculate SUs, please refer to our user guide.
The total number of SUs requested for a 1-year allocation. Please include the SU calculations in the computational approach.
How many storage resources (GB) do you need on Opuntia?
Note that HPE DSI does not perform backups on Opuntia's file systems.
How many storage resources (GB) do you need on Sabine?
Note that HPE DSI does not perform backups on Sabine's file systems.
How many storage resources (GB) do you need on Carya?
Note that HPE DSI does not perform backups on Carya's file systems.
Please identify your storage need for the cluster. Have in mind that you should only ask for space that is necessary to process your data. This is not an archive.
Maximum of 300 characters allowed. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
1 Field of research
2 Research objectives
Maximum of 1500 characters allowed. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
Describe the research objectives in detail and indicate the importance of the anticipated results. If applicable, describe prior work that validates the approach.
Maximum of 1000 characters allowed. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
Please give a calculation for your request of additional resources in terms of SUs.
Parallel Programming Model *
Please list the parallelization model used (multiple selection possible)
Please note we will automatically create a new account in this cluster for the PI.