Applicant Information
If your GPA falls below 3.0, you have the opportunity to explain any extenuating circumstances in the space provided below.
Enrollment Type *
Rank as of UH-DRUG Summer start date *
How did you hear about us? *
Are you a US Citizen? *
If you are NOT a US citizen, please specify your visa.
Leave blank if you are a US citizen.
Leave blank if you are a US citizen.
Have you applied to UH-DRUG previously *
Are you considering or have you applied to other undergraduate research summer programs that overlap with UH-DRUG Summer 2025? *
Your answer will NOT be used in consideration of your application. Please answer honestly.
Are you considering attending graduate school or a health professional school? *
Maximum of 300 words allowed. Currently Entered: 0 words.
Please explain your situation that lead to your GPA falling below 3.0.
Personal Statement and Applicant Documents
Maximum of 500 words allowed. Currently Entered: 0 words.
Tip: Type your personal statement in a seperate document before entering it here. You'll be able to make edits and catch mistakes much easier!
Maximum of 500 words allowed. Currently Entered: 0 words.
Tip: If submitting a resume, it should be no more than two pages.
Reminder: Double-check your filename to see if it follows the guidelines!
Double-check your filename to see if it follows the guidelines!
Letters of Recommendation Information
Tip: Ask for your letter of recommendation as early as possible - at least two weeks in advance!
For submission, They will need to upload their letters on our website. More information can be found on our main page.
A special link to resume the form will be sent to your email address.